WOUNDS, 2018
Dar Al-Kalima Gallery
Dar Al-Kalima University
College of Arts & Culture
Bethlehem, Palestine
Dar Al-Kalima Gallery
Dar Al-Kalima University
College of Arts & Culture
Bethlehem, Palestine
(Excerpt from exhibition catalog)
Everyone who is alive, or has ever lived in this world, experiences wounds. Most wounds that we are acutely aware of are personal wounds, whether these be psychological and/or physical. One cannot go through the world without being
wounded. All of us experience pain. All of us experience the death of a loved one.
wounded. All of us experience pain. All of us experience the death of a loved one.
Aside from personal wounds, there are wounds that we witness in the lives of others – a family member, someone who we know, a community wounded by hatred, a nation wounded by war, etc. What do we do when we are wounded, or we see the wounds of others? When we are wounded, we must act immediately to survive or suffer the consequences of not healing ourselves, which includes death. When we witness wounds of others in society and the world, we often feel less urgency to act.
George Rivera, Ph.D.
Department of Art & Art History
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado USA
Department of Art & Art History
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado USA

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